In the recent years the acupuncture has received a lot of attention in the west. The Chinese method of treatment and its unique concept of energy have intrigued the people of the west. A lot of doctors and medical practitioners have started providing acupuncture to the patients to alleviate their conditions. However, we must remember that the treatment of acupuncture that is currently practiced in the west is different from the original Chinese acupuncture. Only a few experienced practitioners know and offer the traditional Chinese acupuncture. In this regard, it would be wise to understand the differences between the medical or western acupuncture and the Chinese one that we have read about so much.
The basic difference between the western and Chinese acupuncture is theoretical. While the oriental method is based on its ancient philosophies the western one relies more on anatomy and physiology.
The oriental method of acupuncture is based on the concepts of yin, yang, and Qi. The Qi is the vital energy that flows through the body through a network of channels known as meridians. The yin and yang are two opposing forces that form the basis of Chinese philosophy. These forces complement each other and together denote wholeness. The ideal state is when they are balanced.
According to the Chinese healing method, through acupuncture, the Qi is accessed to maintain the flow of energy within the body. This also balances the yin and yang and we experience equilibrium which is the ideal state for our body and mind.
On the other hand, western acupuncture borrows the method from the east but bases it on evidence. The method is adopted only after full diagnosis. While the Chinese method depends on traditional symptoms the western method uses scientific tests to diagnose the diseases.